Here are some common questions from our community. If you have others, feel free to send us a note.

Contact Onward

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, ETC Software Founder Eddie Davis had first hand knowledge that there were plenty of amazing corporate art collections in the community.

Having negotiated bank and credit union distribution for a fintech competitor of QuickBooks prior to working on art-based software, he had also seen art on display all over the country with essentially no way to connect it to the artist and that was never on public display outside of corporate headquarters.

Having built the ETChster platform to provide portfolio/catalog tools with connected websites to >15,000 artists globally starting in 2018, the team decided it was time to address the needs of corporate art holders.

Functionally, the need for accurate, intuitive record keeping inclusive of location and condition across multiple continents was clear. Based on the feedback of numerous corporate art managers, they had major concerns about pieces not being accounted for and frustration with trying to use spreadsheets or other non-purpose built tools to support their workflows.

From a public relations and overall societal perspective, it was also clear that corporations and their communities could benefit greatly from intuitive tools to facilitate loans and public exhibitions.

With both desktop and mobile-optimized interfaces, Onward empowers corporate art managers to:

  1. Quickly inventory all art holdings inclusive of photos, condition reports, and location.
  2. Thereafter, track and automate the “check-in” of pieces along with non-art records such as appraisals, insurance policies, bills of sale, etc.
  3. Report on the individual and aggregate values of holdings.
  4. Share curated digital access to pieces for the purpose of solidifying loans, exhibitions, etc.
  5. Track actual loans inclusive of loan agreements, insurance policies, duration, etc.
  6. Simplify insurance and balance sheet reporting.

Onward was designed for art managers at public & private corporations, public institutions, foundations, and those with similar needs.

7 to 10-figure holdings of works of public interest that need better cataloging and ways to create public exposure are core values.

With a focus on intuitiveness and cross-location management, Onward was not designed with museums in mind.

Once publicly available, Onward is delivered on a Software as a Service (Saas) basis. Access to the platform includes all updates as they are released.

Your firm’s data is stored in the Amazon cloud.

You determine who has access administrative and view rights to the records of your holdings.

In addition to the core ETC Software team, Onward leverages the feedback of a number of advisors:

Neil Bainton – Former COO of Mailchimp.

Bill Gignilliat – CEO ArtsGeorgia

Laura Brown – Founder Owner Art+Works Consulting

Onward is currently in Alpha testing. If you would like to get early access, please send us a note via our contact form. You will be expected to give feedback if you receive early access.

We cannot guarantee that we have room until we reach BETA but will do our best to accommodate.


Atlanta, Georgia, USA



